Objectives and Scope

CUHSO is an international scientific journal oriented towards the dissemination of research in social sciences and humanities. Topics may include historical processes of societies characterized by their socio-cultural diversity, colonial legacies, inequalities, discussions about modernity and globalization. In this sense, the journal values both the rigour and the theoretical, epistemological and methodological plurality of proposed publications.

Manuscripts submitted to CUHSO are subject to double-blind peer review.

CUHSO publishes two issues per year in July and December. The journal is open access, without publication or access fee, and is published exclusively online in PDF format. Approved manuscripts are published in the order, volume and number defined by the Editorial Team.


CUHSO is published under Creative Commons, Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Adhesion to International Declarations

CUHSO is committed to open access with good practice related to research, authorship and scientific publishing, thus promoting compliance with the following statements at the various stages involved in the publication process:

  • Open Access: CUHSO adheres to the Budapest; Bethesda and Berlin open access declarations.
  • Research Integrity: CUHSO adheres to the Singapore Declaration on Research Integrity.
  • Publication and Publication Ethics: CUHSO adheres to the principles and practices defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
  • Authorship policies: CUHSO adheres to the principles of authorship established by the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT).

As part of the Chilean Science Editors Forum, CUHSO adheres to the Association of American University Presses’ regulations of good practices for peer review.

Preservation of digital archives

CUHSO supports the CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system as a permanent and secure archive for the journal.

Access and Publication Costs

In compliance with open access policies, CUHSO provides free access to all published articles and encourages the sharing and dissemination of texts at no cost to readers.

CUHSO does not consider costs for authors associated with the publication of manuscripts.

 Sponsorship and Funding

CUHSO is sponsored by the Catholic University of Temuco, Chile.

The publication receives support and funding from the Vicerrectoría of International Engagement and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Catholic University of Temuco, Chile.


CUHSO Journal

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Catholic University of Temuco

Manuel Montt 56, Teresa Durán Building, Office C-531.

Temuco, Araucanía, Chile.

POSTAL CODE: 4813302

Phone number: +56452553791


History of the journal

 CUHSO journal was founded in September 1984 under the patronage of the Centre for Regional Social Research (CISRE). In its initial form, the journal was focused on the disciplinary field of anthropology and edited by the Centre for Sociocultural Studies (CES) from 1998 to 2007.  Since the second semester of 2007, CUHSO has become a biannual publication edited by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the UC Temuco and welcomes work from all disciplines in the schools of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Editors of CUHSO

  • Matthías Gloël,  2018 - Present.
  • José Díaz Diego, 2017
  • José Manuel Zavala Cepeda, 2012 - 2017
  • Ricardo Salas Astraín, 2008-2012
  • Teresa Durán Pérez, 1998-2007 †
  • Arturo Hernández Sallés, 1991- 1992
  • Aldo Vidal Herrera, 1984-1986