Privacy Statement

The CUHSO editorial team is committed to the highest ethical standards, quality editing and authorship practices through adhering to the principles of COPE: Publication Ethics and Ethical Violations and the Singapore Declaration on Integrity in Research, and the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT), which is expressed in the following criteria:

Authorship and contribution policies

Authors are considered to be those who have made a significant contribution to the research process, writing, presentation and adjustment of the manuscript according to the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT). Authors are requested to indicate in their submission letter the contribution or role of each author in the manuscript (link)

Authors are presented in the order previously established by them and should include the following information:

  • Pen name (as they sign all their scientific production).
  • E-mail address.
  • Academic degrees.
  • Institutional affiliation.
  • ORCID code.

It is understood that the author who sends the manuscript or uploads it to the journal platform assumes the role of correspondence author and thus has the responsibility of correspondence throughout the editorial process.

Plagiarism policy

articles submitted to CUHSO must be original and unpublished with the consent of all authors. Therefore, authors are requested to use the submission letter format in which they commit to these criteria. The journal will not publish articles previously published in another language.

The fragmentation of large papers may confuse readers or could be detected as plagiarism, thus not complying with the established criteria of originality. Therefore, authors are requested to include the respective citations in case their work mentions previous publications. Likewise, the author must be available for requests from the editorial staff and peer reviewers regarding previously published works on the subject.

All articles received will undergo a strict peer review process and be submitted to the DOCODE plagiarism detection software. In the event that the article does not meet the specified originality criteria, it will be declared inadmissible for publication. If the article has already been published in the journal, it will be withdrawn from the respective volume in which it is available.

CUHSO is committed to its community and, therefore, will implement necessary retractions and corrections to ensure the journal's transparency and due process in any case of errata detected or reported.

The authors are responsible for the material included in their work such as tables, graphs, photos, figures and other content necessary for the development of the publication and declare that these do not infringe copyright.

Handling of complaints and appeals

The complaint or appeal procedure begins through communication with the journal's Editor to the institutional mail ( The Editor will confirm by e-mail the receipt of the communication and evaluate the merits of the complaint or appeal, informing the Editorial Committee, which has a period of two weeks to decide on the matter.

The Committee may respond by closing the complaint or appeal or by initiating an investigation, which should be communicated to the parties by means of a report.

In the case of initiating an investigation, the parties will be asked to provide further background information and/or statements of objections based on which a decision will be made. This decision may include the rejection of the complaint, a request for further background information and/or the approval of the complaint. In all cases, the decision will be communicated by means of the Committee meeting minutes.

When the information involves the confirmation of the complaint or denunciation, the communication will be shared with the parties as well as with the plaintiff’s affiliated institution.

If the complaint or appeal situation warrants it, an amendment or correction of the corresponding publication will be made in a retraction document in the following issue.

Conflict of interest policies

CUHSO establishes strict criteria to avoid conflicts of interest during the article review process.

It is established that authors must submit a wholly anonymized version of the manuscript which does not allow the identification of authors, institutions, individuals or funding sources.

It is also established that peer reviewers must be people with research experience and scientific publications.

The CUHSO peer review process is double-blind, which upholds objectivity throughout the process, since neither authors nor reviewers will know one others’ identities.

CUHSO ensures that the anonymized communication between authors and reviewers meets the appropriate academic criteria in relation to comments and evaluations of manuscripts. The criteria for establishing the results of the evaluation of a manuscript will be established in the peer review process section.

Policies on data exchange and reproducibility

CUHSO recommends that authors facilitate the exchange and reproducibility of data provided that this does not imply a breach of prior agreements on confidentiality and protection of the identity of research subjects. In any case, it should be considered that the data used may be requested by editors or evaluators as part of the review process. Authors can associate an article with the corresponding dataset by cross-referencing them. It is recommended that this cross-reference is in both directions: from the dataset to the article, as well as from the article to the dataset. Authors can deposit the dataset in the platform of their choice. CUHSO recommends the use of Mendeley Data.

Ethical oversight policies

The CUHSO Editorial Board will request information from the authors regarding the ethical standards of the research, which should follow the principles of the Singapore Declaration on Integrity in Research.

When appropriate, authors should indicate the ethical procedures developed in their research and, at the request of the editors or reviewers, they should provide relevant information regarding the ethical safeguards developed, especially in all matters involving consent or assent, or regarding the authorization of the use of databases.

The use of photographs in which people appear must have the proper authorizations, and must not generate any damage or harm to the people who appear in the image(s).

Intellectual property policy

All manuscripts published in CUHSO are the sole responsibility of their authors and do not reflect the opinion of the CUHSO Editorial Board.

It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the work is unpublished and original.

CUHSO is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. In this way, the authors' rights are safeguarded, who grant CUHSO the property rights for its publication.

Corrections policies

CUHSO promotes the generation of discussions and debates around the published manuscripts; therefore, when the Editorial Committee deems appropriate, responses or letters to the Editor will be published, which should be sent to the following e-mail address:

Post-publication corrections or requests for withdrawal of articles should be sent to the Editorial Committee at the previously indicated e-mail address, which will be evaluated according to the terms established in letter c) of this guideline.

Privacy and use of information policies

Names and mailing addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes of the editorial process, including notices of new publications or calls for submissions, and will not be made available to any other purpose, person or organization. CUHSO does not permit advertising or marketing on the magazine site.