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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The manuscript is original and the authors undertake not to submit it to other publications simultaneously. For this, Letter of originality must be attached.
    In a document attached to the letter, indicate the name and surname of each author, identifying the role they played in the development of the manuscript, according to the criteria of the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT).
  • The manuscript is in one of the languages of publication: Spanish, English, French, Mapudungun and Portuguese
  • The manuscript has been submitted in a format compatible with the most recent version of the Word Processor
  • The manuscript complies with all the requirements established in the journal's publication guidelines Author Guidelines.
  • The role or contribution of each author in the manuscript has been indicated in an attached document to the letter of submission.
  • The manuscript complies with the journal's ethical policies Ethical Policies .
  • The authors must assure that their manuscripts comply with the principles on the Integrity of Scientific Research as established in the Singapore Declaration..
  •  The article must have a version of the title, summary and keywords in the original language and in English.
  • If the article is derived from a research project, the name or code of the project, source of funding and year must be stated.
  • Whenever possible and available, links to URL addresses are included in the references.
  • Whenever possible, the DOI code is included in the references.


CUHSO accepts the following manuscript types:

  •  RESEARCH PAPERS: The structure of the article should have at least the following elements: 1) Title: in the source language, English, and Spanish if applicable; 2) Abstract in the source language, English, and Spanish if applicable; 3) Keywords: in the source language, English, and Spanish if applicable; 4) Introduction: presents objectives, scope and originality of the text, may include a broader theoretical development if the topic warrants it; 5) Methodology: presentation of epistemological, methodological and ethical issues of the research; 6) Analysis: descriptive presentation of the results; 7) Discussion: linkage of the analysis with the current theoretical discussion, considering main findings and differences; 8) Conclusions: synthesizes results and contributions, and fulfilment of objectives; 9) References: 50% of the references should be from the last 5 years. 
  • LITERATURE REVIEWS: The structure of the article should have the following elements: 1) Title: in the source language, English, and Spanish if applicable; 2) Abstract in the source language, English, and Spanish if applicable; 3) Keywords: in the source language, English, and Spanish if applicable; 4) Introduction: presents objectives, scope and originality of the text, should define scope and type of review carried out; 5) Review Methodology: presentation of epistemological, methodological and ethical issues of the research; 6) Presentation of Results: it reports the main findings of the review; 7) Conclusions: it synthesizes results and contributions, and fulfilment of objectives; 8) References: due to the characteristics of this type of articles, a minimum of 60 references are required. Eighty per cent of the references must be from the last 5 years.

Review articles present the results of a completed research that presents an updated overview of a relevant field of study in the social sciences and humanities to identify advances in the area and the main theoretical and methodological trends. They will be submitted to a peer review process. Manuscripts should be between 8,000 and 12,000 words.


  • ESSAYS: The structure of the article should have the following elements: 1) Title: in the source language, English, and Spanish if applicable; 2) Abstract: in the source language, English, and Spanish if applicable; 3) Keywords: in the source language, English, and Spanish if applicable; 4) Introduction: presents objectives, scope and originality of the text; 5) Discussion: presents the core of the proposed theoretical discussion; 6) Conclusions: synthesizes results and contributions of the manuscript; 7) References: minimum 25 bibliographic sources.

Original essays on specific topics in the social sciences and humanities, with the objective of presenting the results of completed research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective. They will be submitted for peer review. Manuscripts should be between 8,000 and 12,000 words.

  • DOCUMENTATION AND TESTIMONIALS: Documents and testimonies that have value in terms of empirical or theoretical material for the social sciences and humanities, particularly in the Latin American field, these may be presented in whatever structure is deemed appropriate by the author(s). These contributions will be submitted to the Editorial Committee, which will decide on their publication.
  • BOOK REVIEWS: Reviews of works commenting on recent publications, i.e. no more than 5 years old, that are relevant to the social sciences and humanities. Reviews can be structured freely. These writings are submitted to the Editorial Committee, which decides on their publication. They should be between 1,000 and 2,000 words in length.

Pre-review and Peer Review Process:

The following outline summarises the pre-review and peer review process:

  • Pre-review: Authors initiate the process by submitting the article through the CUHSO OJS platform. At this stage, the Editor, in collaboration with the Editorial Committee, performs an initial review of the manuscript considering: 1) relevance with the editorial line; 2) compliance with the submission requirements; 3) initial anti-plagiarism review. In the case of non-compliance with the first two criteria, the authors are informed and allowed to make corrections. In the case of plagiarism detection and depending on the complexity, the Editorial Committee will inform the authors of the rejection or the possibility of correction. If all the criteria are met, the manuscript advances to peer review.


  • Peer Review: The Editor, with the collaboration of the Editorial Committee, requests the collaboration of peer reviewers considering the following criteria: 1) the peer reviewer has academic and research training and publications in the area of knowledge. 2) no conflict of interest that may affect the evaluation process.

Reviewers evaluate using the online form or word format and are encouraged to include qualitative comments or a copy of the manuscript with anonymized comments.

The evaluation options are: 1) rejected: the manuscript does not meet the criteria of relevance, originality and quality; 2) accepted with major corrections: the article may be accepted after a second peer review process; 3) accepted with minor corrections: the Editorial Committee requests changes to the authors if their incorporation is verified the article is accepted; 4) accepted: the article may be published as is.


In those cases where the Committee deems it necessary, a third evaluator is used, whose criteria will inform the final decision.

The final decision for publication depends on the Editorial Committee and requires compliance with the established style and anti-plagiarism review.

Authors whose articles have been approved with modifications and/or approved for publication undertake to make corrections of content, form and style within 5 working days from the time of request.

As part of the Forum of Scientific Editors of Chile, the journal CUHSO adheres to the code of good practice for peer review of the Association of American University Presses.

Style Guide

Manuscripts submitted to CUHSO must be submitted in compliance with the following style requirements:

  • Title: The title should have only initial capital letters and a maximum length of 15 words. The content of the title should be descriptive in terms of the proposed topic and objectives. All manuscripts should present the title in Spanish and English, in addition to the original language where applicable.
  • Authors: Names and surnames should be indicated in the order previously established by the authors. All authors should indicate affiliation, e-mail and their corresponding ORCID code, according to the criteria previously established in the authorship policies (link). Authors will provide a completely anonymized version for review which should not include names, institutions or locations that facilitate the identification of authorship. Similarly, authorship metadata should be removed from the digital files submitted.
  • Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 250 words in length and should be formatted in a single paragraph without indentation. Depending on the type of manuscript submitted (research article, review article or essay), the abstract should synthesize the key sections of the text also indicating its main contributions. All manuscripts should present the abstract in Spanish and English, in addition to the original language, if applicable.
  • Keywords: 5 keywords should be included to guide the cataloguing of the article based on its thematic scope. Keywords should be ordered alphabetically and separated by semicolons (;). All manuscripts should present their keywords in Spanish and English, in addition to the original language, if applicable.
  • Graphs, Tables and Illustrations: Graphs, figures, tables, illustrations and photographs should be included in their original format (preferably in Excel, PowerPoint or high resolution image format). All graphic components and tables must comply with the criteria established in APA Standards, 7th Edition and must be presented in the manuscript with high-resolution images. At the proofreading and layout stage, an editable file may be requested.
  • Funding: The source of funding that gave rise to the research should be indicated through a footnote associated with the article's title. The note should indicate: project title, entity and country of funding source.
  • Acknowledgements: Authors may include at the end of the manuscript a note with their thanks to persons or institutions that, without being authors, have contributed economic, technical or operational resources.

Standards and references: Manuscripts should be submitted following APA 7th Edition citation and referencing standards.