Motherhood and incarceration in South America: an almost invisible and unattended childhood

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This article analyzes the relationship between motherhood and incarceration in penitentiary centers in South America, especially in terms of the impact on children and adolescents (NNA by its Spanish initials) and on the women deprived of their liberty. To do this, a systematic review of recent (last
decade) articles that address the subject empirically was carried out. selecting 12 articles from the period 2010-2021. The main findings of our review suggest that motherhood behind bars and the situation of children with incarcerated paternal referentsis a serious problem, one of increasing massiviness and quite invisible in South America, with various negative effects for both, the NNA themselves and the incarcerated women, including mental health, behavioral and adaptive problems, as well as latent social impacts of female incarceration. At the same time, while there is some research and intervention, the situation of child victims exposed to incarceration (in various forms) remains largely unprotected, as a combined result of a patriarchal society, punitive criminal policies that continue to subordinate women – and with it, to childhood—to the dominant interests, in their androcentric and adult-centric aspects, and little empirical research of a national and/or longitudinal nature. In the midst of this strong invisibility in the region, we dare to make some public policy and intervention suggestions to reverse part of the negative effects of incarceration on children and their mothers.

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Author Biographies

Guillermo Sanhueza Olivares

Guillermo E. Sanhueza es Doctor en Trabajo Social y Sociología por la Universidad de Michigan. Profesor Asociado del Departamento de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Chile. Profesor Asociado de Loyola University Chicago School of Social Work. Sus áreas de investigación y docencia se relacionan a la reinserción social, las condiciones carcelarias, el rol de los funcionarios/as penitenciarios en la vida intra penitenciaria, y los procesos de retorno a la comunidad posteriores al encierro. Actualmente es fellow del Rule of Law Institute at Loyola University of Chicago (LROLI) y dirige el proyecto Fondef IDeA #id21i10255 “Prototipo de gestión integrada para una reinserción social eficaz”.


Carolina Sánchez

Carolina Sánchez Medina es Licenciada en Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Chile, estudiante de Trabajo Social de quinto año en la misma Universidad. Estudiante de Magíster en Gestión Educacional en la Universidad de Chile, en Santiago. Sus áreas de interés son la reinserción social, educación, género y migración en el contexto chileno y latinoamericano. Se ha desempeñado como estudiante del Núcleo Reinserción y Sociedad los años 2020 y 2021, investigando temas relacionados a la maternidad y mujeres privadas de libertad y actualmente pertenece al Núcleo Diversidad y Género: abordajes feministas interseccionales, donde trabaja en torno a la convivencia intercultural.

Sanhueza Olivares, G. and Sánchez, C. . (2022) “Motherhood and incarceration in South America: an almost invisible and unattended childhood”, CUHSO JOURNAL, 32(1), pp. 152–173. doi: 10.7770/cuhso-v32n1-art2749.


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