Walking in the culture of the James Bay Cree indians

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Today, ethnologists are confronted with cultural media whichhave not only been transformed, but above all have become composite. Fieldexperience defies the laws of cultural homogeneity, because the individualsthat the ethnographer encounters will have lived a multitude of experiencesin environments which no longer necessarily depend on the social universeto which they belong. This finding implies the need to construct tools withwhich to understand an ever more diverse reality. Field experience is thereforesubject to a set of competences, which the ethnographer must acquire,the principles of which depend on different environments on which he/shehas been «projected». This article reports on a work of reflexive analysisresulting from fieldwork done in the Bay James Cree society, in the northernpart of the province of Quebec, Canada. The fieldwork and the competencesthat this implied in the ethnographer, to introduce herself into the daily lifeof one of the families of this group, are thought out in accordance with threespatial entities inhabited by this people on a daily basis, namely the huntingcamps, the village and the region. This spatial partition results from a marchby this society after their ancestral territory was industrialised.

Article Details

Samuel Neural
Author Biography

Samuel Neural, Université Lumière, Lyon 2

Samuel Neural est actuellement doctorant en Anthropologie à l’Université Lyon 2 Louis Lumière. Il a effectué des recherches de terrain auprès des Cris de la Baie James et les Mohawks de Kahnawake et a contribué à différents projets d’impacts sociaux en Amérique centrale, chez les Mayas Quichés, chez les populations wichis et tobas du Chaco argentin, chez les pasteurs atacamènes du désert d’Atacama au Chili, ainsi qu’en Océanie, chez les pêcheurs de l’île de Raivavae en Polynésie et chez les Nyaganjarras du désert de Gibson du centre de l’Australie. Titulaire d’un DESS en éthnométhodologie et d’un DEA en Anthropologie Sociale, ses travaux portent sur le journalisme autochtone au Québec, les campements de chasse dans la société des Cris de la Baie James ainsi que sur les charpentiers de l’acier chez les Mohawks de Kahnawake.
Neural, S. (2013) “Walking in the culture of the James Bay Cree indians”, CUHSO JOURNAL, 23(2), pp. 137–174. doi: 10.7770/cuhso-v23n2-art491.


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