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  • The manuscript has not published previously norsubmitted to another journal.
  • The file must be in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format. It added web sitesfor references where it is possible.
  • The text has 1.5 lines of space, 12 font sizes for Times New Roman, or 11 fonts for Arial. If you used the underlined italic replacement (except for URLs); and all illustrations, figures and tables are at the end of the text and not within the text.
  • The text has the bibliographic requirements and the style indicated in the authors' instructions.

  • The author (s) promises that once the manuscript is accepted, they will send the author of the transfer of copyright within the next five days from the date of acceptance.


The research manuscripts must have 20 pages as maximum extension, size letter, 1.5 lined spaced, Arial 11 or Times New Roman 12 characters. Numerate tables and figures in the text. Tables and figures must be included at the last pages independently. These must be prepared with the regulations of journal style for it suggests revise the last published numbers. Don`t include tables and figures in the text. SAFER is agree with style norms proposed by the American Society of Agronomy-ASA, that can be reviewed in the following link: https://www.agronomy.org/publications/style. Also, if you want write in Spanish use the indications specified in the Dictionary of Royal Spanish Language Academy (www.rae.es). All articles will be reviewed by two reviewers. The reviewers number will be at least two that will be suggested by the editorial commission. In according to the reviewers suggestions, SAFER will publish, suggest modifications (major or minor) or reject the manuscript.


The manuscripts as scientific and technical notes must have at six pages as maximum extension and it must have the following structure: a) Tittle in English and Spanish; b) Running tittle.c) Authors and respective affiliations, including email. d) Abstract / Resumen-Keywords / Palabras clave; e) Introduction; f) Material and Methods; g) Results; h) Discussion (It can be joined with Results); i) Acknowledgements; j) References; k) Tables and/or figures.

The review manuscripts must have the following structure: a) Tittle in English and Spanish; b) Running tittle; c) Authors and respective affiliations, including email.d) Abstract/ ResumenKeywords / Palabras clave; e)  Introduction (and the necessary chapters); f) Acknowledgements; g) References; h) Tables and/or figures

In English text the decimalsmust be separated by point (.) and thousand units by comma (,). It must utilizethe zero at begin of numbers lower than unit, including probability values. Theresults descriptions of each statistical test must include the exact value ofassociated probability P. For P values lower than 0.001, indicate as P < 0.001. In tables and figures useasterisks for remark the significance level of statistical tests: * = P< 0.05; ** = P < 0.01; *** = P < 0.001; ns = nonsignificant.

It must include the scientific name of all biological organisms that are mentioned in the text in according to the respective international nomenclature. If a common species name is mentioned, the first time must include the respective scientific name incursive within brackets in example Coihue (Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) Oerst.). If it is mentioned in others parts of the text, use the scientific abbreviated name and the adjective of scientific name (in example N. dombeyi), only if it is not produce confusions with another species cited in the manuscript.The tables must include alphanumeric data ordered in rows and columns, only the begining of tables andgeneral tittles are separate by horizontal lines; the data columns must beseparated by spaces not by horizontal lines. The figures must include other formats of data or information presentation, such as graphs, drawings,photographs and maps. In tables and figures, must include easy tittles in English or Spanish numerated in consecutive order (table 1., table 2., …;figure 1., figure 2., …). The figures must use the tittle in lower margin and the tables in the upper margin. Tables and figures must have a resolution that can be reduced without lost quality. Only it works in grey scale. The color figures must be pay by authors and it must communicate with between authors and editor. The space of tables and figures must be lower than 50 % of totalprinted material. Within the text it must indicate the location of tables andfigures that must be attached in separated files.

References in text:

The bibliographic references it will indicate in the text using the family name of the authors and publication year. Some examples more frequent are:

a) For one or two authors: Santamaría (2001) mentioned that the growth isinfluenced by site characteristics (Santamaría 2001, López y Castro 2004).

b) References from more of two authors: Barría et al. (1999) mentioned that the most importantfactors are influenced by diameter and lenght (Barría et al. 1999, Moránet al. 2002).

c) References from the same author in the same year: Rodríguez (1997a,b,d) mentioned that the samplingunits agree with other studies. (Rodríguez 1997a,b, Morán et al.2003a,c,d).

d) References from one publication at time are ordered chronologically: Cerón (1980), García y Villanueva (1994) and Suárez et al. (2001) for analyze climatic factors.

In the reference chapters the bibliographic references must include the last name and the initials of first name of allauthors, publication year, title, and complementary information that allowlocalize the document source. Some examples of bibliographic more frequentreferences are:

a) References from journals:

Contreras, S. y C. Krarup. 2000. Interacción genotipo por ambiente en cinco cultivares de espárrago (Asparagus officinalisL.). Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 27:133-139.

Sprankle, P. W.F. Meggit, and D. Penner. 1975.Adsorption, mobility and microbial degradation of glyphosate in the soil. Weed Science 23:229-234.

References from books:

Gil, G.F. 1999. Fruticultura el PotencialProductivo. Tercera edición. Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago,Chile. 342 pp.

References from book chapters:

Caseley, J.C., and D. Couopland. 1985. Environmental and plantfactors affecting glyphosate uptake movement and acidity. In: E. Grorsbard andD.A. Atkinson (eds.). The Herbicide Glyphosate. Butterworth, London, UK. p. 97-123.

References from Thesis:

Serrate, L. 2001. Estudio económico de la erradicación de la mosca de la fruta en Bolivia. Tesis de Magister. Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.Santiago, Chile. 44 pp.

References from internet:

Sozzi G.O. y G.P: Martínez. 2004. Metabolismoenergético en primordios vegetativos y de flor en duraznero (Prunus persica)bajo diferentes regimenes térmicos. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 31:101-110.http://www.faif.puc.cl/rcia (Visited 03th May 2013).

MIDEPLAN, 2002. Encuesta de CaracterizaciónSocioeconómica Nacional, CASEN 2000. Ministerio de Planificación Nacional,División Social, Departamento de Información Social, Gobierno de Chile,Santiago, Chile. http://www.mideplan.cl. (Visited 03th May 2013).

ODEPA, 2002. Bases de datos. Agroeconómicas.Estadísticas de la agricultura chilena. Estadísticas macrosectoriales yproductivas. Oficina de Estudios y Estadísticas Agropecuarias, Gobierno deChile, Santiago, Chile. http:// www.odepa.gob.cl. (Visited 03th May 2013).


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